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(Draft) Fireworks: A mesmerizing song about a high school love story

Dalam ā€” Jan 21, 2021

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Hi, this is a part of the Draft article where I wrote random thoughts to learn writing in English. So bear with me.

Hi there. Itā€™s been a while since the last time I wrote a post here. There is some stuff Iā€™m currently working on at the beginning of this year. And those were pretty busy days.

Anyway, tonight I will a little bit tell you about a song that I love to listen to a couple of weeks back. I do listen to music on some occasions, such as when working on some web stuff and while Iā€™m about to sleep.

I actually didnā€™t enjoy listening to a random song that Spotify or YouTube give to me while Iā€™m on duty. I prefer listening to a playlist with one or two songs that I currently love, repeatedly, over and over again, haha. And I wonā€™t switch it before I feel bored. It takes weeks or even a month to get bored.

I donā€™t like to listen to a random song because sometimes when I couldnā€™t bear with a certain song, I should switch it manually and that will break my focus. And get a focus back is sometimes tough tho.

Well, enough talking!

Fireworks by DAOKO

I accidentally found this song while Iā€™m coding. I made my YouTube playlist plays random songs and didnā€™t get me disturbed because I was totally focused on fixing tough bugs at that time. And in the middle of coding, I just got realized that itā€™s beautiful. Now, even after few months passed, I still love to listen to this song, haha.

This song was featured in an anime movie called ā€œFireworks, Should We See It from the Side or the Bottom?ā€ which telling us about a high school love story and its dilemma. It is a pretty good movie, but many people complaining about its obscure ending. It has 5.5 ratings from IMDb (not that bad) but if I could argue, it deserves higher ratings.

A humble love story in high school

Two things that made me love this song: First this song itself and second the movie! I couldnā€™t lie, I missed college and high school life so bad. Since I didnā€™t go to college a year ago due to pandemic, therefore I love watching some movies about college/school life, for the sake of nostalgia, lol.

The reason why this movie special is that the humble love story it has. If you guys try to remember when we were in high school, the love story there was pretty simple: Always seeks time to be together, doing tasks together, having a nice little chit-chat, and so on.

When weā€™re getting older, love isnā€™t the same anymore. We do need more commitment and preparation to dive into life after school. Now, love requires us more than just itself. Itā€™s pretty complicated. And thatā€™s why I feel like havenā€™t ready yet to have an ā€˜after-school-lifeā€™ love.

I have so many memories about love in high school, haha. Have silly love stories with some girls in my school lol, and at the end of high school, I (somehow) meet my last girlfriend in high school (now my ex) and she was a popular girl in her school (we are from a different school).

That time was great, but donā€™t get me wrong, I was a nerdy and shy boy at school but somehow active in some organizations, therefore I didnā€™t date my crush/girlfriend like a common cool boy out there. My love stories were just as simple as this story in this movie.

Thatā€™s probably the reason why I still love to listen to this song. Because every time I played it, it reminds me of the movie that brings me many nostalgic love stories when I was in high school.

End of nostalgic mumbo-jumbo

Itā€™s nice to have some nostalgic memories when listening to music. But thatā€™s a past, and life is supposed to keep moving on. And it is good to keep memories in its deserved place.

Anyway, since I mentioned my ex, I always hope she is well now. I couldnā€™t lie, after she left me, I havenā€™t had another girlfriend yet. I learned one big thing from my past love story with her: I havenā€™t ready to love someone, even when I truly love her at that time, but I actually still being a silly ambitious person who just cares about my own life.

If someone asks me about my feeling for her, Iā€™ll say that I still have a feeling for her. I know itā€™s silly since I knew she already has a crush/boyfriend right now, but I donā€™t know why. Somehow it is still echoing deep inside in mine.

But the bright side is I now donā€™t need to deal with loving or looking for someone at this time. We all know, loving someone takes energy and time tho. And in this crucial time between the end of college and the beginning of real-life after school, I wanna use my focus and time on things Iā€™m currently working on (sounds still being a silly ambitious person isnā€™t it? Haha).

Well, end of whining, back to real-life!

Dibuat dengan ā¤ dan Hexo.js di Kendal.
